آخرین خبرها

Islamic thought in logical ways

According to Iran International Quran News Agency (IQNA) from Fars, Nadbah prayer is one of the prayers that expresses the characteristics of Mahdavi society. One of the attributes of the Mahdist society is stated above: “These are the disobedient and the humiliated” means that in that society the saints of God are dear and the enemies of God are humiliated and humiliated in it. Or he said: “This is the end of the limits …” The values ​​and criteria in that society are like this, it is a society in which the divine limits are established.

Imam Zaman (may God hasten his fate) establishes his society on several bases: first, to destroy and suppress the roots of oppression and rebellion, not because oppression is not only in Iran, or in Muslim societies, but also in oppression. The world should not be.

There will be no economic oppression, no political oppression, no cultural oppression, no oppression. Class exploitation, class discrimination, inequality, coercion, and bullying must be eradicated.

Second, the nature of society is an ideal that Imam Zaman (may God hasten his fate) and includes the rise of the level of human thought; all the scientific thought of man and his Islamic thought, that is, in the time of Valiasr And do not think in the world.

According to the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh), the prophets came to “bring forth and use for the sake of the foolish the wise,” to bring out and apply the purified minds that were covered under the dust of disbelief and hidden by the darkness of error and misguidance.

The content of the narration about the conditions of those days is such that the level of Islamic and religious culture is so high that all human beings, including men and women, jurists and theologians, can open the Qur’an and understand the truths of religion from the Qur’an.

The third characteristic of Mahdavi society is that on that day all the forces of nature and all the forces of man are extracted, there is nothing left in the heart of the earth that mankind cannot use. So much natural procrastination, so much ground that can feed man, so much undiscovered power, like the forces that have been in history for centuries. For example, atomic power, electricity, and electricity have been around for centuries. These forces were at the heart of nature, but humans did not know them. One day later, they were gradually extracted.

In other words, all the innumerable forces that are in the heart of nature are extracted during the time of Imam al-Zaman (as).

Another characteristic of Mahdavi society is that the axis in the time of Imam Zaman (as) is the axis of virtue and morality. Whoever has more moral virtue, he is more preliminary and forward.

In another narration, he says: He is helped by terror, and the oppressive governments and oppressive regimes intimidate him. Such a situation is so pervasive that it can create a global government. (Confirmation with Nasr) God’s victory confirms him. The earth is twisted in front of him, that is, it is in his possession and in the hands of his power. The treasures will appear to him, and his power will spread to the east and west of the world.

Then he says: “Falaibqi fi al-Ard al-kharb al-qadh ‘Umar” means that this power will be spent in order to develop the world and not in order to control the interests of human beings and to weaken human beings. There will be no point of destruction in all parts of the world unless it is inhabited;

There is another narration from Imam Baqir (as) which points to the fact that the morality of equality and egalitarianism, self-sacrifice and forgiveness flourishes; brotherhood goes to the pocket of another brother and deprives him of his own needs and he does not hinder him. That is to say, there is no coercion, human beings themselves are saved from that human stinginess and greed, and such a paradise of humanity is created.

In another narration, he points out that the donations made by the arrogant governments of the world to their friends are dismantled. Hatem is part of the bag of nations cut off from this and that, because it is also created with the help of ties with governments and bribery and bribery. These murderous and virtuous devices will be destroyed and the means of human benefit will be given to all of them.

According to the narrations on the economic issues of the Mahdist society, there is such a balance between the people in financial and economic affairs that you will not find a poor person to whom you can pay zakat.

A society in which there is no sign of oppression, rebellion, aggression, oppression, a society in which the religious and scientific thought of human beings is at a high level, a society in which all the blessings and all the blessings and all the goodness and beauty of the world are manifested and given to man. It is, and ultimately, a society in which piety, virtue, forgiveness, brotherhood, kindness, and uniformity are the core. This is the society that the Promised Mehdi and our Imam of the Age (peace be upon him) will create and provide.

We, the people of Iran, have taken a big step with our revolution. What do we do next? We must first know that the emergence of Hazrat Vali-Asr (may God hasten his fate), as he became one step closer to our revolution, could be closer to the same people and revolution. As much as we can spread Islam in the horizons of the world, in other countries, in the dark spots, you have helped and brought us closer to the emergence of the Guardian of the Age (as).

Second, approaching the Imam of the Age (peace be upon him) is neither approaching the place nor approaching the time. The advent of the Imam has no definite date for us to say how many years have passed and how many years remain, there is no place to say that we are moving from here to the east or the west to see where the Imam of the Age is (peace be upon him) and reach him.

Our approach to Imam al-Zaman (as) is a spiritual approach. That is, if you can provide piety, virtue, morality, religiosity, asceticism and spiritual closeness to God in yourself and others in your own society – the same revolutionary society, you have strengthened the foundation and rule of the emergence of Vali-Asr (as) and as much as you can. Increase the quantity and quantity of the number of faithful and sincere Muslims.

The second point is that today we have movements and methods in our revolution, which way should these methods move? This is a very important point. We must not act oppressively and act decisively against oppression, any oppression and from anyone.

We must set our direction to establish Islamic boundaries. In our society, we should not give any opportunity to the spread of non-Islamic and anti-Islamic ideas; of course, Islamic thought should spread not by force and domination, but by thought and thought, and by reasonable and logical means. All the laws and regulations of the state and government departments and executive bodies must be Islamic in terms of appearance and content. This is the direction that Vali-Asr (may God hasten Farjah Al-Sharif) is waiting for us to move.

لینک کوتاه مطلب : https://old.fepc.ir/?p=644

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